1. Eucaps Knowledgebase
  2. For companies
  3. Become a Premium company - reach more investors

Price to become a premium company

Choose a plan that’s right for you

Standard Company 
  • Standard presentation and basic information gathered by Eucaps by choosing this plan for your company for £0/month you can acess the functionalities, View all companies & browse by sectors, maps and lists

Premium Company 
  • With Premium company you get full access and improved reach trough tools to tell your own story and attract investors​ such as managing your trading page, publish content, and boost visibility with our comprehensive marketing and investor relations tools. All this for £850/Month

Pay by card 

  • We offer a 5-10% discount on 12-month subscriptions when you pay by card, depending on the payment terms. You also have the option to sign up with a three-month notice period if you prefer not to commit to a full 12 months upfront.


Pay by invoice 
  • If you prefer to pay by invoice, you can sign up with a three-month notice period. You can request a monthly, quarterly, or yearly invoice for any of our subscriptions.