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Investment pitch section

How to maximize the potential of the company investment pitch section

On your Premium company page, you can access the "Investment Pitch" in the menu below the header.


Inside this section, you will find a range of modules to streamline important details about your company that are essential for your investors. They all start unpopulated and you can use them as you see fit to tell your story.

The modules in the Investment Pitch section are (see below of detailed description of each):
  1. Elevator Pitch 
  2. Comment from CEO
  3. Business Overview
  4. Growth Projections
  5. Market presence
  6. Product Portfolio
  7. Mission statement
  8. Research & Development
  9. Market analysis
  10. Corporate Social Responsibility
  11. Annual Report


  1. Elevator Pitch 
    Enter text for this. This is the most important module in the Investment Pitch.
    elevator pitch ny bild

  2. Comment from CEO 
    Utilize this module to effectively showcase the goals that the CEO has set for the company, providing investors with valuable insight into the company's vision and future plans.

    comment from ceo investment pitch

  3. Business Overview 
    Utilize this feature to present investors with key information about your company and highlight any potential growth opportunities for the future.

    busniess overview investment pitch

  4. Growth Projection 
    Provide investors with the necessary information to comprehend your company's growth potential and future objectives using this tool.

    Growth bild-1

5. Market presence 

  • Leverage this tool to inform investors about the locations of your offices.
market presence investment pitch

6. Product portfolio 
  • Let investors know about your product portfolio by providing detailed information about the range of products and services your company offers. Highlight key features, unique selling points, and any competitive advantages that set your products apart in the market. This will help investors understand the diversity and potential of your product lineup, showcasing how it aligns with current market trends and consumer demands.

product portfolio investment pitch


7. Mission statement/Vision statement & Competitions 
  • Inform investors about your company's mission and vision for the product, as well as any existing competition in the market.

Mission statement vision statement competitions investment pitch

8. Reasearch & Development
  • Inform investors that the company prioritizes its Research and Development (R&D)
reasearch and development investement pitch

9. Market analysis 
  • Inform investors about the important insights regarding your company and how market analysis is utilized to support your product sustainability.
Market analysis investment pitch

10. CSR 
  • Inform investors about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is a business model that allows a company to take responsibility for its impact on society, stakeholders, and the environment. This approach emphasizes accountability and ethical practices, benefiting both the company and the community at large.
CSR investment pitch

11. Annual report 
  • Provide investors with insights into your company's latest annual reports to ensure they understand the investment they are making.
annual report investment pitch