How do I open a trading account?

steps to start your trading account

Step 1: Make your account:
First of you will need to make your own account you can do it on the link below:
Make your account   

Step 2: Verification 
After creating your account, the next step is to complete an authenticated signup process to verify your identity. This is called Investor Verified and can be found on (this link)

Step 3: KYC 

The third step involves completing the KYC (Know Your Customer) process, which includes providing details such as

  • Personal information
  • Residence
  • Identification 
  • Employment details
  • Financial details
  • Source of wealth
  • Stock investment - Product knowledge & objective

Step 4: Terms
You must agree to the terms and conditions in order to begin trading on Eucaps.

To follow all these steps please check on this onboarding page